how i feel about art

I could go on and on about this but really I think that art is unbelievable in so many ways like really seeing a piece of

art can make you scared happy mad ect…


until next time ~ snow<3 <3<3


I believe that music is an escape for almost everyone because it helps them block out reality

and I have found it makes me feel the way I feel when I see my food coming from a restaurant or the way it feels to get your heart broken


comment if you are up rn

life is a wonderful lie while death is a harmful truth


before I start blogging heres a few thing you need to know about me 1) im very nerdy 2) im love books and sunny windows 3) sometimes I can be a common white girl 4) ugly af 5) im weird 6) Ive been dealing with depression with almost 4 years now and its been getting slightly better

and for the last thing ( even though theres a lot more you could know) im just looking for a place to escape